ExpiredCOECSA Virtual Congress

COECSA Virtual Congress Support Application

Tanzania Ophthalmology is offering support for its members who wish to attend Virtual COECSA Congress on 20 – 21 August
2021 and they have not paid for the registration fees under the following terms and Conditions;

  1. All TOS Members are eligible to apply for this support
  2. Members who have registered and paid for 2021 TOS Congress will be given priority for this Support(Proof of payment will be required)
  3. If you wish to be considered for this support please download the form below, fill details and send to info@tos.or.tz

Download COECSA-Support-2021 Form

  • COECSA Virtual Congress
    August 21, 2021 - August 22, 2021
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm