Hope In Sight
More than a billion people cannot see well, because they don’t have access to glasses. Over 3 out of 4 of the world’s vision impaired are avoidably so. What can be done to arrest this unconscionable fact? First, arm yourself with your country’s prevalence data and Eye Health system information–the number of trained eye health personnel, your country’s plans to tackle blindness.
The recent World Health Assembly resolution for eye health, marks the next major mile stone for global eye health. With political commitment to take action to make eye care an integral part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and to implement ‘integrated people-centred eye care’ there is #HopeInSight.
This World Sight Day, let’s find the solutions to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to sight. Let’s pledge to spread the message of #HopeInSight.
World Sight Day Toolkit

Implementation Pack
This year we have a newly designed pack of implementation material outlining what World Sight Day is, the key messages and media guidelines. These documents are tailored with infographics and advice to help you take WSD to your audiences.

Promotional Material
IAPB encourages members and supporting organisations to download World Sight Day 2020 promotional material from this page.

Social Messages
WSD2020 Use the hashtag #HopeInSight.

WSD Photo Competition
The World Sight Day Photo Competitions are organised for World Sight Day to promote awareness about eye care and encourage people around the world to participate.